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  • 5th Annual ENP Diversity, Inclusion & Equity Forum – A Reset To Move Forward – Evolutionary to Next Practices for Inclusion

5th Annual ENP Diversity, Inclusion & Equity Forum – A Reset To Move Forward – Evolutionary to Next Practices for Inclusion

An Online Roundtable Event for C-suite Leaders

This highly interactive roundtable among enterprise leaders, community influencers and top advisors will focus on how corporate leaders can address DEI initiatives and change their world via the right information, incentives, and investment.


Interactive Roundtable Topics Include:

Winning the war for talent
 • What programs can you create or enhance to cultivate diverse pools of talent?

Improving the quality of decision making
 • What are the key leadership and team effectiveness traits that need to be improved to facilitate decision making via diversity?

Increasing customer insight and innovation via DEI
 • How can we better leverage the strength of diversity in our organizations to better understand customers and improve our value proposition?

Driving employee inspiration and satisfaction
 • How do we overcome the “enthusiasm gap” and tangibility engage our workforce for measurable DEI results?

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Topics Include:

    Speaker Nominations: info@enpinstitute.com

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